Joyelle McSweeney has a BA from Harvard University; an MPhil in English studies from Oxford University, where she was a Marshall Scholar; and an MFA from the University of Iowa Writers’ Workshop. McSweeney’s collections of poetry include The Red Bird (2002), winner of the 2001 Fence Modern Poetry Series, The Commandrine and Other Poems (2004), and Toxicon and Arachne (Nightboat Books, 2020). She is also author of the novels Nyland, the Sarcographer (2007) and Flet (2007); the prose work Salamandrine, 8 Gothics (2013); the critical volume The Necropastoral: Poetry, Media, Occults (2014); and the verse play Dead Youth, or, the Leaks (2014), awarded the inaugural Leslie Scalapino Prize for Innovative Women Performance Writers.
